Hammond Bay Road Widening Project
Nanaimo, BC
Civil Engineering Services, Structural Engineering Services, Contract Administration
Herold Engineering was retained by the City of Nanaimo to complete civil and structural design services as well as contract administration and field reviews for this project which included approximately 120m of roadway improvements consisting of Tecco mesh slope stabilization, installation of EPS fill (a super lightweight, closed-cell, and rigid-plastic foam, comprised of approximately 98% air and 2% polystyrene) complete with reinforced concrete facing wall, storm drainage piping, concrete sidewalk, street lighting and asphalt paving.
Project challenges included keeping a collector roadway open during construction, unique geotechnical conditions, specialized construction materials such as EPS blocks, existing residential homes on the lower side of the slope stabilization, working in close proximity to an active 900mm dia. sewer forcemain, and multiple stakeholders including BC Transit, the Regional District of Nanaimo, the Pacific Biological Station (DFO) and numerous landowners.